Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why is it....

that I am alone on a night where it is cold and raining outside. Why couldn't my husband be home and we can sit in front of a warm fire. I guess it never works out that way.

that I have ton of laundry to do and I just sit in front of the TV watching the Biggest Loser with the kids.

that I left my school bag in the van on purpose, only to know that I'm not going to go outside and get it.

that I have so much on my mind and so much to do but I don't do anything.

Can someone please tell me why.


  1. It would not be called life if we lived in such a perfect world. TV was made just for that, for us to enjoy ourselves and let todays worries be tomorrows problems.

    I guess you haven't finished module 2? Neither have I.
